Does It Take More for Women to Lose Weight? Science Says Yes!

Contributed by Sheila Johnson


Does It Take More for Women to Lose Weight? Science Says Yes!


Women: This health guide was made for you, especially if you’ve been struggling to lose weight while your male partner shed pounds with what seems like minimal effort. Science wants you to know that women do in fact lose weight differently than men. Wondering why? Well, it may come down to the following factors. 


Perimenopause and Fat Production


First, let’s talk about those pesky hormones. If you’re 40 or older, you already know about menopause, but have you looked into the effects that perimenopause can have on your body? Perimenopause refers to a period of a few months to 10 years in which many women may experience a drop in hormone production and an increase in weight.


This cycle typically starts in your early 40s but can begin even earlier depending on several health and lifestyle factors. So, if it seems like you have been losing muscle and gaining fat rapidly in the last few years, perimenopause could be to blame. Ask your GP or OBGYN about possible treatments, which can include hormone replacement and lifestyle changes.


Chronic Stress and Weight Management


Being under constant stress can do so much more than create lines in your face and forehead. You can use a combo of tape and high-quality wrinkle cream to combat those lines, but you’re going to need to prioritize self-care if you want to keep stress from causing you to gain weight. When women are stressed, our bodies produce hormones that cause weight gain.


In fact, one study found that young women who were stressed about college classes gained weight 36 times faster than those who didn’t attend school. Not to mention their male counterparts. Adding to the problem, women tend to have more stress in their lives than men. This stress gap can make it even harder for you to lose weight and keep it off.


To break the cycle, treat self-care like the health essential it is rather than a luxury. Take more time for yourself to decompress and release the negative effects of stress. Little self-love acts that can add up to big results include eating healthy, moving your body, and treating yourself.


Body Image in Society and Impacts on Women


Spend any time on social media and you’ll come across endless posts of fit, toned, and skinny women. While these images may seem harmless, research from Stanford University indicates that the constant flood of seemingly “perfect” bodies can take a toll on your self-confidence. Particularly if you are a woman but all demographics seem to be struggling with this issue.


The thing is, those images have been highly edited and simply do not represent the vast and beautiful differences in women's bodies. You can fight back by learning to treat your own body with love and compassion. Tame any negative self-talk and work to create new body beliefs.


For example, you may think that you need to wear frumpy workout clothes to hide your body but this simply isn’t the case! Check out body-positive social media accounts if it helps, but also treat yourself to some cute fitness looks that will boost your confidence and keep you motivated. And remember, comfort plus style equals more confidence!


Other Health and Fitness Tips That Can Help


Now that you understand how hormones, stress and even societal pressures can play a role in your weight loss, it’s time to take even more action. You can start with your diet but try to keep any changes simple and slow. This is the best way to get any healthy new habits to stick.


Combine those healthy eating habits with some targeted fitness, and you’ll be ready to rock your goals! Try a few different workouts like swimming and strength training to keep from getting bored. While you’re at it, don’t forget to tone your face so that you look and feel your best!


There are so many reasons why losing weight is harder for women who are 40 or older. Yet, you can still achieve your health and fitness goals by hacking these elements with some simple tricks. As you reach your goals, also be sure to treat yourself with some youth-preserving skincare tools from Ageless Beauty Pro.


