What to choose (and what to avoid)
What each device does
Best ages for each device
3 RF Devices - How to choose best for you.
First of all, choose a quality device. There is a lot of junk out there (cheaper, mass produced) but for RF you need a real device that is designed to help heat (contract) the tissue.
RF (in a nutshell):
RF heat the skin and underlying layers, essentially contracting the tissue causing micro wounds that will help the skin tighten.
It will also help produce more collagen.
Some devices just heat up - get hot.
You need a device that is engineered to actually target the dermal layers to produce results.
BE AWARE - home devices will NOT produce the same results as in-office treatments.
Think about it...what manufacturer would put a device on the market that would heat so intensely to cause burns?
Not happening.
So many home devices will not heat to the level of in-office treatments.
That said, you can still get results with home RF, and even help increase and maintain your in-office results by doing home treatments.
You can get tightening and produce collagen with consistent (2-3x) weekly treatments.
It takes about 30-90 days to see real, lasting results with home RF but if you stay the course, you will be rewarded!
-Tighten slack jaws
-Firm crepey, slack skin
-Boost collagen for thicker, plumper skin
-Reduce lines and deep wrinkles
-Brighten and bring more radiance to the skin (RF w/LED)
My choices for the best RF devices for each area:
-The Curve is a great device for larger areas and can be used on neck/jawline - excellent for the body (30+)
-Targeting the face, neck and jawline? I would choose the MBK RF Signal. This is a smaller device that can be used on neck, face/eyes/mouth area. (45+)
New laser shaper, the Raysure, is also a good device to help really target the neck area (read more about it) (35+)
- For a "starter" RF - you could try the ZAQ RF device. It has LED and is great if you are just starting to see slack skin (35-45)
-4 Rolling | LED | EMS - a multi-function device for the face and body
MBK RF SIGNAL DEVICE - Serious anti-aging! Excellent for face, neck, jawline, around mouth and eyes (45+)
MBK THE CURVE - Excellent device for jawline and body - helps tighten skin, reduce cellulite and fatty deposits and boost collagen with LED (30+)