TIME MASTER PRO - Reviews from satisfied users
FAQ: Why don’t I feel it anymore?
Q: Karen, I've been using my TMP for a while now (love it!) but sometimes I don't feel it like I used to. Is it working properly?
A: When I get this question, I completely understand. This happens to me and my clients. Sometimes we feel it a lot; other times, it's like it's not working (we don't feel it at all).
These are usually the reasons:
-Like with device, we get used to it. What was unique and different at first is now familiar so we don't feel it the same way.
-Even after menopause, we still have hormonal fluctuations (albeit less), they still can play with our systems. During these times, we can feel more sensitive in our nerve endings, etc. This can account for less feeling with our devices.
-Take a break. If you are using it weekly, take a week off (or two). Use other devices and treatments and then go back to it. You will likely feel it again.
-I always ask: Are you getting results? Is the skin plumping? If you are getting results (cheeks, lips, temples, etc.) then yes, it is working and refer to one of the above answers.
-Last, I suggest using it on your body. While you won't feel it very much, you will notice a firming/toning of the skin. I like to suggest hands or upper arms. This device is a great tool for those areas. Use it there (if you don't already) and see what happens!
A quick fix for sagging, lumpy arms!