The Difference Between The MINI and the Time Master Pro


What is the difference between the MINI and the Time Master Pro? Do I need both?

The MINI is a microcurrent system. This works on a different set of issues, although the TMP does address these a bit (stay with me)...

A microcurrent is meant to help stimulate your underlying musculature. Very simply, it works the muscles vs. working the skin (although, again, it can help the skin, too).

Microcurrent will help lift, sculpt, tone and define.

It will also increase blood flow a bit and provide a small amount of product infusion.

However, its primary goal is to work the muscles.

Much like going to the gym and pumping iron, which is meant to build tone and muscles. Of course, it has the by-product of helping with blood circulation, oxygenation, etc.

But, it's primary purpose is working the muscles.

If you need lifting, sculpting, toning and defining of cheek muscles, lifting droopy eyes and lifting lip corners, microcurrent is your go-to option.


with multi-LED function

Now, the TMP is a different animal.

It's primary goal is to help work not only the muscles, but to really work the skin and provide a deep circulatory "massage" (for lack of a better word).

It also has the multi-LED function which works for the skin (either collagen boosting, brightening, reducing bacteria/acne, or all of the above).

It works with the principle of ultrasound (yes, similar to the medical-type).

This goes deep into the layers of your skin and underlying circulation/blood flow to produce a burst of collagen-boosting activity. It will work the muscles in a different way than microcurrent.

You will get a lift and plump, but it doesn't really sculpt/tone like microcurrent can.

If you find you need more of a plumping and brightening, this is a great tool for that.

Time Master Pro vs Microcurrent

They both give not only immediate, but cumulative results.

Results are temporary (they will diminish if you don't keep it up). However, if you are consistent, you can keep the results going with 2-3 weekly treatment (of each or both).

So, do you need both tools?

Saggers will benefit from both, absolutely! (Sorry budget!)

If you can only get one, decide if you want a lift/sculpt (not only cheeks, but eyes and lips, too). If so, then microcurrent is the best option.

Or, do you feel you need to plump sunken contours and provide a "cushion" to your face? Do you need collagen boosting and brightening of your skintone? (TMP all the way!)




  • Tone, lift, sculpt, define, reduce puffiness/droop - cheeks, lips, eyes

  • TMP:

  • Plump, lift, brighten, boost collagen, reduce sunken contours

Sinkers will likely get the best benefit:

The pro-level Sculplla mask and/or the PLLA Hydra Velvet are great options for Sinkers.

While you will still get results with microcurrent, I'd invest in the TMP and good collagen-boosting skincare if I were a Sinker.

Personal note: As a Sagger, I've restored a nice cushion in my hollowing cheeks and temples with Sculplla and TMP. Adding a pop of microcurrent at my cheekbones, eyes and lips is a perfect "whole" spectrum treatment (for me). I also use the NeoGenesis Skin Serum, Eye Serum, Booster (Recovery when needed), a retinol and a Vitamin C.




Facial Toning & Lifting with Microcurrent: How to Get the Most Effective Treatment (Tip)