RED, INFLAMED FACE: How to calm your skin


RED, INFLAMED FACE: How to calm your skin

My red inflamed face...

I am testing some retinols and as we know, these can be a bit aggressive. While I've used retinols for years, I've jumped around brands and thought I'd try a physician-supplied brand. A couple days after a deep microneedling, I started it and while I thought I was going to be OK, it did cause some irritation.

In doing so, my face has gone through the "retinol" phases of red, flaky, peeling and ultimately more clear. During the red and flaky phase I was very careful not to use any of my serious skincare. I stayed with oils and really basic lotions.

Still, I had a couple of days where I just needed something to help it calm down.


So I tried my masks and found that the BEL MONDO Calming mask was the best of the best for calming my face.

I left it on for about 30 minutes (did a quick microcurrent over it during some that time) and when I removed, my face was not only calm, smooth, bright but also felt tighter and firmer. I was impressed and relieved!

If you are looking for a great calming mask to keep on hand for such times as your skin reacts or gets inflamed, I recommend the one.

Also, these are excellent for use during your microcurrent treatments as they stay wet (no extra gels or mists needed) and give your face an added boost!


Before and After Results - DIY Filler Facial


Thinking about a MINI face toner (and lifter) - this will tempt you!