END SKINCARE CONFUSION - How to apply serums, oils, creams
What comes first?
3- OIL
4- barrier products
See my favorite regimen for three brands of skin care: NEOGENESIS - HOP+ - QUL
Ending the confusion, just follow this simple 1-2-3 step approach for the best results from your skincare.
Skincare can be confusing...even for professionals like me. Sometimes I wonder just HOW MUCH goop do we need to get great skin?
Here's a my simple and easiest regimen - no matter what skincare brand you love:
FIRST COMES SERUM - Always, always, always use SERUMS as your first layer on clean, dry skin. These are usually the most potent (most actives) and they need to lay directly onto your skin to penetrate. (Examples of serums include Neogenesis Recovery Serum or QUL Skin Repair Complex)
NEXT COMES CREAM - After you apply your serum, you can apply your cream or lotion (anything "creamy"). This layer will help lock in moisture and prevent your serum from evaporation, rubbing off, etc. It provides a protective "blanket" over your actives (serums). This is my favorite night cream right now...I've stocked up so I always have an extra jar.
FINALLY, OIL - If you are applying an oil or oily product, like the QUL GLO SERUM, this is applied last. Although it is called a serum, it is really more of an "active oil" that will help give you that final layer of moisture and hydration. This is also when you would use a barrier product.
Simple formula:
A few of my best skincare protocols using my own favorites:
1. NEOGENESIS = THE MOST REPAIRATIVE/REGENERATIVE REGIMEN - (after sensitizing treatments and whenever my skin needs extra repair)
FOR INTENSE REPAIR (after microneedle/microchannel, peels, etc.)
Always apply the Neogenesis RECOVERY first (on clean, dry skin). This is the most regenerative serum and will work wonders on your skin issues!
FOR EVERYDAY REGENERATION (as a regular nightly serum)
Apply a layer of the Neogenesis Skin Serum. This is a potent anti-aging and stem cell-rich serum that you can use nightly.
Then, apply a layer of Neogenesis Intensive Moisture (dry skin) or Neogenesis Light Moisture (for oilier skin). These will help lock in the RECOVERY layer.
Then, you can apply a layer of the Neogenesis Barrier Cream - this is an excellent product and will provide a nice barrier to keep all of your layers protected.
Always use a mist of the Neogenesis Moisturizing Mist under your Skin Serum or even Recovery. It help the products glide and penetrate your skin plus it gives and extra bit of hydration.
This is truly a great way to help your “liquid gold” Recovery serum extend and reach a little further.
2. HOP+ = THE MOST PLUMPING / HYDRATING REGIMEN (when I need super hydration and a really nice “plump” the next day)
With this brand I always apply the HOP+ Stem Cell Mist and Caviplla FIRST. Always use these together. You can also add a layer of the HYAL Hyaluronic acid for an even more intense oxygeneation of the your CAVIPLLA!
Then, when that is properly oxygenated and massaged into my skin, I apply a layer of the MGF serum. I love how light and hydrating this is. I will often apply 2-3 layers of this!
Then, to finish and add a final layer of protection and hydration, I apply a light layer of the Promoter Cell Repair Cream.
>> TIP: This HOP+ skin care regimen is my favorite to use the night before an big event or whenever I want my skin to really look great!
3. QUL = THE MOST BRIGHTENING/SMOOTHING REGIMEN - excellent for really evening skin tone, bright and glowing and super soft, hydrated skin!
First, cleanse with the QUL Exfoliating Cleanser - this is a product I cannot keep in stock! It gently cleanses and exfoliates and it is an excellent start.
Then, apply a layer of the Skin Repair Complex or the Night Repair or AM Anti-Aging Moisture. They are all treatment products and act like the “serum” layer.
As a final layer of hydration, always finish up with a layer of the QUL GLO SERUM. This stuff is like my little magic wand when I want a glow, extra hydration (it mixes great with foundation, skincare) or is great all on its own after a mist of the Rosewater Mist. Love it!
>> TIP:
This is an ideal nightly routine. My tip would be to only use the SKIN REPAIR COMPLEX up to twice weekly, as it is an alternative retinol. I find it works best when used only twice weekly (always at night before bed).
If you are using the regimen in the AM, opt for the AM ANTI-AGING MOISTURE, then a layer of the GLO SERUM, then a layer of the amazing SHEER DEFENSE SPF 45 (tinted and oh-so-lovely to use!)