Ways to Protect Your Spinal Health When Working From Home 

Ways to Protect Your Spinal Health When Working From Home 


Did you know that research has shown that stress is predictive of back pain? According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, many people experience debilitating pain in association with depression, anxiety, and stress.  Most of the persistent back pain was situated lower, in the lumbar and lumbosacral areas.


Dysfunctional family relationships also contribute to back pain, whiplash symptoms, and poor mental health. Working from home might contribute to family disharmony and strain because of the new dynamic created by the challenge of establishing time and space boundaries. So, how can you protect your spine and reduce the need for prolonged chiropractic therapy? Check out the following strategies.


Separate Work and Life


It's often easy to justify a short five-minute activity like loading the laundry only to find yourself distracted for hours by household tasks. This may lead to less productivity at work. Being at home and not fulfilling family duties could cause family conflict. Instead, block out dedicated time where work will be prioritized and scheduled in family responsibilities. This will reduce the sense of chaos in your life and ensure you meet all your obligations. 


Enforce Home and Office Boundaries


Setting up and maintaining boundaries is important to prevent distraction and to prevent having your work life bleed into your home life. Keeping visible boundaries helps with the cognitive load of adapting to change by reducing your reliance on memory, as does having a good organizational system that you can refer to when needed.


These boundaries need to be clear, visible, and predictable. This may involve a schedule on the door, a locked door, a big red light to show work is in progress, or an automated email reply to tell your co-workers your workday is over. Being predictable helps everyone adjust by creating a sense of routine. 

Create a Relaxed Environment That’s Conducive to Work


Reduce mess, eliminate clutter, and stay organized.

Clutter can make you feel stressed, anxious, and depressed.

Small changes like reducing clutter or even adding houseplants can have a big impact in terms of reducing stress.

Another potential source of frustration is being unorganized; create a storage system for paper records and add ample lighting to help with organization. 

Add Ergonomics and Inspiration

 Ergonomic equipment reduces stress on your body. An ergonomic chair that offers lumbar support could assist; proper posture will also help reduce back pain. A rolled-up towel can be used as a budget option. Standing desks may also be effective for those who spend more than half the workday sitting, since slouching is associated with soreness and, over time, even reduced height.


And if you need more motivation, click here to learn more about how tall some of your favorite celebs are. You might be surprised at how tall these famous folks are (and aren’t!), thanks to their posture and presence.


Build Strength


When working from home, utilizing your apartment's pool and gym facilities can play a significant role in protecting your spinal health. Regular swimming and core-strengthening exercises at these facilities can greatly benefit your back health. The buoyancy of water in the pool reduces stress on the spine, while swimming strengthens the back muscles. Similarly, a well-equipped gym provides various equipment and exercises to fortify your core muscles, essential for spinal support and posture.


If your current living space doesn't offer these amenities, it might be worth considering a move. Using an online search tool with specific filters can help you easily find an apartment that meets your needs. You can search by location and number of bedrooms, as well as look for complexes that include pools and gyms, ensuring your home environment supports your spinal health and overall well-being.


Refill What’s Missing


Working from home can reduce the natural social interaction and exercise you may ordinarily get. Both contribute to increased depression. By increasing physical activity, you can keep your weight in check and improve your strength, which assists with back problems. Most physical activity, like joining a local yoga studio, is also a great opportunity to give you the social interaction that helps reduce depression. 


Our spine affects our entire body, so it is important to care for it. Protect your home and office boundaries, and go for a walk routinely. Add strength training to boost health now and in the long run, and provide comfortable and ergonomic accommodations, especially in your home office. You’ll find yourself standing straighter and feeling taller and healthier with these smart strategies!

Submitted by Xolly Reaids


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